Yemen is known worldwide as one of the oldest-known coffee-producing regions, dating back to the 15th century.
It was the first country in the world to export coffee from the port city of Mokka and produces some of the world’s finest and most sought-after coffees.
Khawlani coffee is one of the best world-famous Yemeni coffee. These Khawlani coffee beans are grown in the mountain terraces and valleys of Khawlan at an altitude of 1,400–2,500.
With all of the problems that the Yemeni people have growing coffee due to the lack of rainfall, finding a good version of Yemen coffee was difficult, however we have sourced one of the best coffees which has been dried, roasted and grounded for Honoor by our Yemeni Coffee Farms, selected and approved by us.
The coffee is grown at high altitudes, ranging from 1900 to 2000 meters above sea level. Khawlani coffee is known for its superior quality and rich flavor. It is a favorite among coffee enthusiasts around the world.
Khawlani coffee is produced from farms located in Khawlan-Bani Amer, which is part of the Saada Governorate, at an elevation ranging from 1400 to 2500 meters above sea level.
Yemeni Khawlani Coffee is sweeter than many other Yemeni coffees, with chocolate, raspberry, and rose notes. This roast has a creamy, comforting texture and iss one of the best and most historic varieties grown in the Yemen region
Before the beans become beans, they begin as small, red fruit from Arabica plants known as cherries. The beans are in the inside layer of the cherries; however, they aren’t quite ready to be used.
When the cherries are picked, they are dried out in the direct sunlight, and then the outer shells of the cherries are removed by hand to obtain the beans.
The method approach used is called the drying process, a technique that has remained unchanged for several hundred years. The drying process is also a contributing factor to how Yemeni coffee obtains its aroma. The geography, as well as the natural method of care that goes into the beans, represents the distinctive flavor profile when you take your first sip from your cup.
Coffee was recorded as a beverage as early as the 6th century, utilized by the Ottoman Empire. It was in Yemen, however, that these plants were finally cultivated and developed into the beans and beverage that we know today. History records Sufi monasteries on the southern tip of the Arabian Peninsula processing Yemen coffee over 500 years ago.
The Yemeni farmers took advantage of the unique terrain of their country, which has conditions of climate and environment which were not considered ideal growing conditions for other plants. For 200 years, Yemen was the only source of coffee.
The drink rapidly spread across Ottoman trade routes to Europe, where it was named mocha due to its similarities to chocolate. The mixing of nomenclatures continued, with Europeans attributing chocolate tasting notes to coffees of Yemenese origin from Mocha, and since it wasn’t enough, mixed real chocolate into the drink to call it a mocha.
Meanwhile coffee became the favoured intoxicant of choice for the Islamic world. Named Qahwa in Arabic.
Though political unrest has made export incredibly difficult, there’s continued esteem for the region which put coffee on the map, and optimism for its future.
Arabic coffee is considered a symbol of generosity among the social gatherings. From the bedouin tribes in the desert to the businessmen. Arabs take a great pride in the coffee they serve, arabic yemeni coffee blend has been roasted to perfection and infused with arab heritage.
To get the most flavor from Yemeni coffee beans, they should be roasted medium or dark. The darker the roast, the more aromatic and flavorsome the coffee becomes.
Yemen coffee is rare and difficult to source. It has an extremely unique flavor profile and a journey that is just as unique.
The next time you have the chance to enjoy a cup of coffee from Yemen, hopefully, you remember some of its origin story and the journey it has been on. So, sit back, relax and enjoy every sip of our rare sourced grounded Yemeni Coffee.
Over 98% of the world’s Arabica coffee varieties can be traced back to Yemen, and Yemen is known as the first place in the world where the coffee drink was brewed, grown and exported.