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100% Pure and Raw Black Seed Honey from Qaseem Saudi Arabia.

Extremely Rare Honey! Very hard to find! Out of Stock on Website but still available on Amazon Prime.


Best black seed honey in the world for Qaseem

This honey is not infused, however the bees feed on the actual black seed flower to create this magnificent honey.

No oils, seeds, or mixture added.

Extra thick.

Contains all natural royal jelly, propolis, wax – all the goodness which is visible.


Located in the heart of Saudi Arabia, Qaseem is known as the alimental bucket, due to its agricultural assets.

Qaseem is famed for producing some of the world’s highest quality black seeds (Nigella seeds).

Originally indigenous to the Mediterranean, it was also cultivated in the Arabian Peninsula, Northern Africa, and some parts of Asia. Muslims have a strong history of using the black seed, it is even mentioned by the Holy Prophet (Sallallahu Alayhi wa Sallam), who said “Use the black seed regularly, for it is a cure for all diseases, except death.

Black seed is said to contain up to 15 amino acids, calcium, iron, sodium, potassium, and proteins. Its most effective compositions are dithymoquinone, thymol and thymohydroquinone.

Further research has found black seeds to have a high number of sterols, namely beta-sitosterol, which is known to have anticarcinogenic properties and also demonstrates antihistamine, antibiotic,broncho-dilating, and immune-system boosting effects